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What is worrying you?

Worry is thoughts, images and emotions of a negative nature in which mental attempts are made to avoid anticipated potential threats. As an emotion it is experienced as anxiety or concern about a real or imagined issue, usually personal issues such as health or finances.   According to a survey done by Nelsons men find it easier than women to switch off and think of nothing (their top answer was 25.8% compared to 12.8% of women) whilst women tend to think about everything.  Here are the top three concerns keeping men and women awake at night:  Men Not thinking about...

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Bach Flowers for Pets

We must strive to learn love of others, beginning perhaps with one individual or even an animal, and let this love develop and extend over a wider and wider range, until its opposing defects will automatically disappear." Dr. Bach - Heal Thyself. Our pets are an important part of our families, and are the ones that usually greet us with much delight and enthusiasm.  So when something seems to be wrong it is a great worry because they cannot tell us how they feel. Once they have been checked out by the vet to make sure there is nothing physically...

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Easing grief with the Bach Flowers

  Easing grief with the Bach Flowers  Grief is a multifaceted response to loss, particularly to the loss of someone or something that has died, to which a bond or affection was formed. Everyone deals with grief in different ways, and it also depends on if the grief has come on because of a sudden death in the family. One of my encounters with grief is when one of our dogs (Alice) passed away unexpectedly. It was a very sad day, and we will miss her. The Bach Flowers can offer a gently way to help our emotions in times...

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Finding our Direction in Life

In this day and age is it particularly hard to figure out what we want to do with our lives, especially for the young. Wild Oat is a particularly helpful remedy to help us to find our direction in life. Extract from Bach Flower Reflections by Sarah Brune Wild Oat It's time for another adventure. I am getting itchy feet, and I am bored with this dead-end job. There is a whole world out there that needs to be explored, interesting places to visit, another mountain to climb, and maybe I could combine my trip with voluntary work. Oh, to...

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Putting Chirstmas into perspective

Feature Article ~ Putting things into perspective...         With Christmas (yes Christmas not the 'Holidays') fast approaching and all the stores having sales, it is easy to get caught up with commercialism, all the hype, buying and eating too much food, and then forgetting what this time of year is really about. You end up feeling stressed, having spent too much money, and the actual big day is a disappointment. Basically all I want for Christmas is for my two children to be home and to spend some quality family time, especially as it has been a...

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