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Help your garden grow with the Bach Flowers

Help your garden grow with the Bach Flowers

When I mention to people that the Bach Flowers can be used for plants, they are often surprised. I use the remedies a lot in the garden, to aid with growing process, wilting, transplanting and infestations.  It is also a good way to use up out of date remedies.
Gardening can be challenging, especially with the unsettled colder and wet weather we have been have been experiencing recently. Fortunately, we have a greenhouse and I start some seeds indoors as well.

Bach Flowers for plants require some guesswork and if the wrong remedy/remedies are chosen they will do no harm.  Rescue Remedy is a good choice when in doubt of which remedies to use.

These are the remedies I am currently using;

  • Rescue Remedy for any shock/trauma etc. that the seedling/plants may experience
  • Olive to give energy for their growing needs
  • Walnut for protection/adapting to changes to their environment (cold and heat), re-potting or planting outside
  • Oak for endurance/support to help them grow
Simply add 2 drops of up to 7 remedies (4 drops of Rescue Remedy) to a watering can or spray bottle. Use as and when necessary for daily watering or transplanting. The remedies will stay in the soil and the plant will gradually absorb them.
Happy gardening!

Rescue Remedy
Full list of 38 remedies

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