Chestnut Bud
Aesculus hippocastanum
After a long hard day of work, I look forward to a relaxing evening and some time for myself. We eat at 6 p.m., and afterwards take the dogs for a walk. Then, after putting on my night attire I can hear the couch calling my name.
After a while during the commercials, I go into the kitchen to make myself a cup of tea and go to the “junk” cupboard to see what can alleviate my “snack attack.” After a bowl of chips, I feel like having something sweet. A cookie helps, but then I remember the chocolate bar that looked rather lonely on the top shelf.
Half an hour later, I complain to my husband that I have eaten too much and feel sick! Oh yes! His reply is always the same, “It’s your own fault for eating so much,” but I always seem to forget. For some reason I always get into a rut, and never learn from my mistakes.
Chestnut Bud helps me to realize that enough is enough. Next time I go grocery shopping I am not going to buy any “junk food.” Another solution is to see if there are any clubs or classes worth joining, to keep me busy and off the couch.
The Chestnut Bud grows next to the scars of last year’s leaves and tightly hangs onto how things were. Gradually it opens up to hopes and dreams, spreading its leaves out to a new, fresh, clean start.
Taken from Bach Flower Reflections by Sarah Brune
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