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Feeling Festive or Frantic?

bach flower remedies calmness christmas gifts gift giving solutions rescue remedy stress relief

Well it is that time of year again when everyone seems to be asking "Are you ready for Christmas?"  To be honest I am not entirely sure what they mean by that. I personally like to do things in stages so that I am not rushing around at the last minute.

Rule to thumb at some point or other with the build up to Christmas and during the 'Holidays' one does tend to get stressed.

At any point the remedies can come to our rescue, in particular Rescue Remedy. Fortunately you cannot overdose on it, and it safe for all the family and even the pets. Simply take 4 drops or 2 sprays either directly into the mouth as often as required or add to a beverage of your choice and sip at intervals.

Rescue Remedy contains five remedies:

Star of Bethlehem - for shock  - comfort & consolation

Rock Rose - for terror and panic - peace

Clematis - for faintness - focus

Impatiens - for undue agitation - patience

Cherry Plum - for loss of self-control and hysteria - calmness

 Other remedies that may help are:

Elm is the remedy for those who feel overwhelmed by their workload. Elm helps you to put things into perspective, so that you can take on only what you can cope with, and at the same time look after your own needs.

Hornbeam is for weariness, mental rather than physical; for those who wake up doubting their ability to face the day. Hornbeam helps to regain of one's strength and ability to face the day, and life is enjoyable again.  

Oak is for those who keep going ignoring their tiredness, being driven by a strong sense of duty and not letting themselves relax. Oak restores their energy and helps them to recognize the need to take time off and relax and look after themselves and their duties.

Olive is for those who are exhausted in body and mind. Olive will help you regain the strength and ability to get through the day, at the same time helping you realize when it is time to take it easy.

Granted the remedies won't decrease the credit card bill, assist with cooking the turkey, finding the right gifts, but they will keep you calm and in control of your emotions. 

 Article by ©Sarah Brune.

 Full list of 38 remedies

Rescue Remedy

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