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What is worrying you?

Mimulus bach flower

Worry is thoughts, images and emotions of a negative nature in which mental attempts are made to avoid anticipated potential threats. As an emotion it is experienced as anxiety or concern about a real or imagined issue, usually personal issues such as health or finances or broader ones such as environmental pollution.

Worrying can be helpful when it spurs you to take action and solve a problem. But if you're preoccupied with "what ifs" and worst-case scenarios, worry becomes a problem.

To help ease you worries the Bach Flowers can assist.

Known causes - health, finances etc. - Mimulus - liberates us from fear and anxiety, so we are able to respond through bravery and courage.

Unknown causes - Aspen - gives us the strength to face and trust in the unknown.

General - White Chestnut - helps us to switch off from everyday worries, and find peace and contentment within ourselves.

Welfare of others - Red Chestnut – helps you to become more sensitive to the real fears and concerns for our loved ones so that we can offer appropriate support.

Overwhelmed - Elm – gives you the ability to put things into perspective, and to take up our tasks with renewed confidence.

Life's direction -Wild Oat – helps you to find purposefulness and decisive direction in life.

Article by - Sarah Brune, BFRP & illustration by  ©Josie Brune


 ©Sarah Brune.

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