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Dealing with disappointment

Gentian flower

One of the remedies that helps us deal with disappointment is Gentian.

Extract from Bach Flower Reflections by Sarah Brune, BFRP

What a day! Nothing seems to be going right and that job rejection did not help either. Disappointment is setting in. It's very much like having a slap in the face with an bungee chord that has snapped loose, and it is stinging like crazy. I guess I should not have pinned my hopes on passing that exam or getting that job. To cap it all the dog has injured its leg again, and the last straw is that the computer has gone on the blink again. Rejection and things going wrong do not sit well with me. In fact, I am feeling so depressed and discouraged that, until further notice, I will lie on the couch hiding under the blanket from the cruel, unfair world.

Thank you Gentian for helping me to feel so much better, I am just not going to let anything get to me. These minor bumps in the road have to be taken face on, and I am strong enough to be able to cope with things. It is time to get off the couch. My plan of action is to take care of the dog as best as I can, look for another job, and get the computer fixed. Next time the exam results are due, I will take some Gentian just to be on the safe side. My new motto is onward and upward.

The star-shaped Gentian flower is a distinctive purple/blue, so it is going to be my star of hope and encouragement. A superstar.

©Illustration by Josie Brune

Article by Sarah Brune, BFRP.

 ©Sarah Brune.  

Full list of 38 remedies

Rescue Remedy

Learn more about the remedies by reading Bach Flower Reflections

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