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Simplify your life with the Bach Flowers


Simplify your life with the Bach Flowers

Life can be complicated, especially recently with all the ‘goings on’, but thankfully the Bach Flowers are there to keep us on the ‘straight and narrow’ and be a ‘safety net’ for our emotions.

Passing emotions come and go and it kept out of ‘check’ they can spiral out of control. One minute you may be fine and then an unexpected event happens, or somebody has upset you, and then it can be difficult to regain equilibrium.

Our emotions can be compared to a ‘Russian’ doll or the layers of an onion building up over time. So where do you start with the remedies as there may be a magnitude of emotions that you need to deal with?

Ideally think about how you are feeling at this moment. What is happening in the ‘here and now’ that is making you feel sad, depressed, fearful, worried, indecisive etc. and then decide which remedies may assist. Once you start the process of taking the remedies, they gently help to bring out the positive emotions that are lying dormant within you. They work gently and take until equilibrium is restored. Everything may be fine then a particular situation, may trigger negative emotions, so you may wish to start the process again with the remedies.

Dr. Bach wanted to make the remedies as simple as possible and any of the 38 remedies can be taken up to 7 at any one time. For passing moods simply take 2 drops of the remedy or remedies of your choice and take directly into you mouth or add to a beverage of your choice. If you wish to take more remedies over a longer period of time you can make a personal blend. Simply add 2 drops (4 of Rescue Remedy) each of up to 7 remedies into a 30ml mixing bottle and add spring water. Take 4 drops at least 4 times a day either directly into the mouth or added to a beverage for up to 3 weeks.

If you cannot decide for yourself which remedies may be appropriate a Bach Foundation Registered Practitioner can assist with a consultation.

For more information : Bach Centre
Upcoming courses and more information: Bach Flowers Canada
Full list of 38 remedies

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