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Discover what the Bach Flowers can do for our pets.

Our pets are an important part of our families. So, when something seems to be wrong, it's a great worry because they cannot tell us how they feel. If you have concerns, first have your pet examined by your veterinarian to ensure there is nothing physically wrong.

Recently our dog Harry had to be taken to the vet because he has some growths on his paw. We decided that the best plan of action would be for him to have an operation to get them removed.
Fortunately and with great relief the operation went well. We were given a list of very strict instructions from the vet which included keeping his bandage on his paw dry at all times. This was going to be a challenge because the weather was very wet. Harry seemed to be in fairly good spirits despite the fact that he was wearing a cone.

To help with the healing process I made up a remedy mix for him, which included Crab Apple (for cleansing), Beech (for tolerance of the cone and for any pain), Impatience (for patience), Walnut (for coping with change over the convalescence period), and Rescue Remedy (for shock/trauma/stress). Four drops were added to water, his food and treats daily. I took some Red Chestnut so I would not constantly worry about him and let him sleep in the same room as me.

To our relief after a week his paw was fully healed so his bandage and cone were removed and we were praised for keeping his bandage dry.

General rules to thumb before selecting a remedy for petswe need to ask ourselves:

• Are they a social or solitary species?
• Are they a predator or prey animal?
• Are they territorial, home ranging or nomadic?
• What behaviour is innate to this breed?
• Are they allowed to act out their normal behaviour?
• Are they being managed properly?
• Are they in fear or distress?
• Are they in discomfort?

It is probably best to try one remedy at a time to see if it works or not. If it is not needed it will cause no harm. The dosage is two drops from the stock bottle and four drops for Rescue Remedy. As the remedies are preserved in 27% grape alcohol they can be diluted in water, put on a treat, or applied topically.

Please note: The remedies will not change the inherent temperament of a particular breed or animal, but will help bring them into balance. The remedies do not treat any medical conditions directly. If you are in any doubt about the health of your pet, seek the advice of a vet.

 Interested in learning more?  Sarah Brune is pleased to be offering two classes for the Pets and their People -  Level One - this Spring, in Victoria and Kamloops, BC. - for more information -

For more information about the Bach Flowers for pets -

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